About Avina Agriculture Group:

Our experts with more than 25 years of professional experiences in the beverage sector as brew masters and malt masters, especially working in the malting and brewery industry for many years, installed and finalized a great number of projects in Europe and Asia.
Germany, where our managers still live today and spent most of their lives, there as specialized center for malt and hops for producing of malt beverages in the world, they selected for our customer some of the best global companies in this sector for long-term cooperation, with focusing of production of high quality of malt and hops in this region, that was never produced before under high international standard in Persian.
Our Iranian managers of Avina Agriculture Group trying to use their national achievements to commercialize and localize this industry in Iran, for serving the Iranian market as well as the Middle East zone, with technical engineering and production advice, from malt and hops up to any kind of malt beverage product.
The raw materials like two row barley malt and hops for producing of malt beverages had to be prepared from outside of Iran until Avina Agriculture Group started his operation and founded this company.
The first important step in our work began in 2006 with the research and cultivation of various types of malting barley in cooperation with the university of Weihenstephan in Munich and Iran. Since 2016 until today, barley cultivation has been grown and harvested in large area in several provinces of this country. In the next step, we were able to produce 2 row malting barley in a quality as prescribed by MEBAK for malt beverages or even for other products.
Our mission is to bring all the necessary raw materials for this industry, also all the technical knowledge that needed for producing of different types of malt and hops and even malt beverages or similar drinks with the highest international standard and quality for our beloved country Iran.
We hope you find your interest for future cooperation with Avina Group and look forward to hearing from you soon.